For Students

There is plenty of interesting research work in our group and we are always happy to welcome new students. Each project will be co-supervised by at least two experts in different disciplines. Please contact individual researchers for more information (see the lists of potential supervisors under each area).

Ph.D. project areas:

1)  Molecular mechanism of juvenile hormone receptor activation – project funded by Czech Science Foundation from 2025 
Supervision Prof. Roman Tuma, PhD   and Prof. Marek Jindra, PhD (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Project description
Transcription factors of the basic helix-loop-helix Per-Arnt-Sim (bHLH-PAS) family are critically important for animal development and physiology. Certain bHLH-PAS proteins are intracellular sensors or receptors of small molecules including environmental xenobiotics, pesticides, or endogenous metabolites and hormones. Insects possess a unique signaling system with a sesquiterpenoid juvenile hormone (JH) that activates a bHLH-PAS receptor (JHR) through interaction with its ligand binding pocket. Our recent collaboration (GACR EXPRO 2020-2024 to the co-applicant, MJ, ERDF 2017-2023 funding to main applicant, RT) has shown that chemically diverse agonists trigger JHR signaling by inducing dynamic conformational changes of the ligand-binding cavity, leading to a shift in JHR protein complex composition. However, further progress is hindered by absence of structural information on the transition of JHR between its inactive (ligand binding competent) and active (ligand-bound) forms. We propose a novel activation mechanism which involves ligand-controlled release of folded and active JHR from heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) chaperone. In the current proposal, we plan to test the mechanism by interdisciplinary approach, building on applicants’ complementary expertise in structural biology and biophysics (RT) and in molecular biology of JH signaling (MJ). This information will not only address the knowledge gap in the vital hormonal signaling of insects but will bear relevance for understanding function of ligand-activated bHLH-PAS transcription factors in general and their modulation by synthetic ligands.
This is a collaboration with Prof. Jindra from the Institute of Entomology,  
For further information see also  
If you would be interested please send CV to rtuma(at)  

2) Assembly of avian reovirus and rotavirus (primary contact Roman Tuma, rtuma(at)

Viruses are infectious agents causing many diseases of humans, animals as well as crop plants. Design of antiviral drugs that selectively target key steps in viral life cycle requires detailed knowledge of virus structure, replication and assembly in the host cell. Our interest is in the replication of dsRNA viruses belonging to Reoviridae family, avian reovirus and human rotavirus. The former causes significant losses for poultry farms while the latter is causative agent of severe diarrhea in children. Both viruses replicate and assemble inside viral inclusion bodies (VIB), also called viroplasms or viral factories, in the host cell cytoplasm. We have established that VIB are dense, liquid separated phases. Currently, nothing is known about how these liquid inclusions form and how the virus assembles within. 
One project will focus on developing model systems and using combination of biophysical techniques (e.g. live cell interference tomography, super-resolution and Raman microscopy) to study formation and phase transitions of VIB which constitute novel target for antiviral therapies. Other projects will focus on the structural biology of reovirus proteins, e.g. the RNA dependent RNA polymerase,  virion bound capping complex, various viroplasm forming viral proteins. The techniques used will encompass cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, mass spectrometry and computer modelling.  

– potential supervisors (depending on the focus area): Roman Tuma (virus assembly), Zdenek Franta (virology, cell biology), Zdeno Gardian (electron microscopy), Ivana Kuta-Smatanova (X-ray), Tomas Fessl (optical methods), Filip Dycka (mass spectrometry), David Reha (computational techniques)

3) Development of hybrid photoactive nanostructures for “green chemistry – light driven chemical nanoreactors
Research projects aim at engineering photosystems and redox enzymes for modular linkage, establishing a virus-based nanocontainer self-assembly system for the photosystems and coupling the photoconverting complexes with redox enzymes to create light driven chemical reactors and characterize their properties. We will utilize the type 2 purple bacterial reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides that is stable under a wide range of conditions and can be genetically manipulated. Photosynthetic complexes will be expressed and purified by established protocols and characterized functionally by UV/VIS spectroscopy (steady state, light induced differential absorption spectra, fluorescence emission spectroscopy). Mass spectrometry and electron microscopy will be used to characterize the complexes for structural integrity.
(primary contact David Kaftan, (at)
– potential supervisors David Kaftan, Roman Tuma  

4) Membrane protein dynamics and allosteric regulation (primary contact Tomas Fessl, (at)

Allosterically modulated molecular machines mediate many of the key processes in all forms of life. The Sec translocon, a membrane bound protein complex, is the principal route for the efficient transport of heterogeneous polypeptides across or into lipid bilayers. The bacterial translocon consists of two main parts, a cytosolic ATPase SecA and membrane channel SecYEG. Based on our group’s recent findings we propose that the Sec translocon is a novel type of stochastically coupled hybrid molecular machine, where the processive SecA steers the energy landscape of a stochastic SecYEG channel allosterically dependent on nucleotide state. We present a research project to map the full allosteric network regulating different stages of protein translocation in the Sec complex using a combination of single-molecule, in silico methods and hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry.

Supervision: Tomáš Fessl (single molecules and protein translocation), Joel Crossley (single molecules), David Řeha (computational techniques), Filip Dyčka (mass spectrometry), Alexey Bondar (membrane proteins) and Roman Tůma (macromolecular complexes).

5) Structure based enzyme mechanism (primary contact Ivana Kuta-Smatanova , (at)

Shorter versions of the above projects are also available as MSc projects

MSc projects: 

1) Virus assembly  – supervisor Roman Tuma 
2) Juvenile hormone receptor structure and dynamics – lab and/or computational – – supervisor Roman Tuma and Tomas Fessl