Roman Tuma

Professor, group leader
Lab responsibility: HPLC and solution scattering techniques
rtuma at
C 01 026
Part time also at University of Leeds, U.K.

  • M.Sc. 1990, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia
  • Ph.D. 1996, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, 1996-1999, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Group Leader, 1999-2004, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Research Fellow of Academy of Finland, 2004-2008, University of Helsinki
  • Associate Professor/Reader in Biophysics, 2007-2020, University of Leeds, U.K.
  • PI, 2017-present, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics, since 2022, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Research Interests and keywords:
1) RNA virus assembly – avian reovirus
2) ATP driven molecular machines – translocases and helicases, SecYEG, SecA
3) Structure of bacterial light harvesting assemblies – chlorosomes, Chlorobaculum tepidum
4) Mechanism of ligand activated transcription factors – Juvenile Hormone Receptor

Key recent publications: 

Patel, N., S. J. White, R. F. Thompson, R. Bingham, E. U. Weiss, D. P. Maskell, A. Zlotnick, E. Dykeman, R. Tuma, R. Twarock, N. A. Ranson, and P. G. Stockley. 2017. HBV RNA pre-genome encodes specific motifs that mediate interactions with the viral core protein that promote nucleocapsid assembly. Nature microbiology 2:17098.

Tomas Fessl, Daniel Watkins, Peter Oatley, William John Allen, Robin Adam Corey, Jim Horne, Steve A Baldwin, Sheena E Radford, Ian Collinson, Roman Tuma (2018).  Dynamic action of the Sec machinery during initiation, protein translocation and termination. Elife 7, e35112.

Jack PK Bravo, Alexander Borodavka, Anders Barth, Antonio N Calabrese, Peter Mojzes, Joseph JB Cockburn, Don C Lamb, Roman Tuma (2018) Stability of local secondary structure determines selectivity of viral RNA chaperones. Nucl. Acids Res. 46, 7924-7937.

Joel A Crossley, William J Allen, Daniel W Watkins, Tara Sabir, Sheena E Radford, Roman Tuma, Ian Collinson, Tomas Fessl (2024) Dynamic coupling of fast channel gating with slow ATP-turnover underpins protein transport through the Sec translocon. EMBO Journal 43, 1-13.

Sarka Tumova, Matej Milacek, Ivan Šnajdr, Magesh Muthu, Roman Tuma, David Reha, Pavel Jedlicka, Lenka Bittova, Adela Novotna, Pavel Majer, David Sedlak, Marek Jindra (2022). Unique peptidic agonists of a juvenile hormone receptor with species-specific effects on insect development and reproduction Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA. 119, e2215541119.

Full list of publications